Pag-IBIG MP2 Calculator Logo MP2 Calculator

MP2 Savings Details

Please enter a number greater than ₱500. MP2 requires a minumum of 500 contribution.
Please enter a number either 0 or greater than ₱500. MP2 requires a minumum of 500 contribution.
Please enter a number between 0-50.

In 5 years, you will have ₱10,000

  • Total amount contributed: ₱50,000
  • Total dividends earned: ₱11,862

2024 Pag-IBIG MP2 Calculator

Our Pag-IBIG MP2 calculator provides an estimate of the Pag-IBIG MP2 over a selected time frame, considering a consistent year-to-year dividend rate.

Please note that the calculations presented in this calculator are for estimation purposes only and do not guarantee the exact total dividends provided by Pag-IBIG upon maturity. Use this tool as a guide for potential outcomes.

Try your calculations both with and without a monthly contribution — say, ₱500 to ₱5,000, depending on what you can afford.

The chart above shows an estimate of how much your savings will grow over time.

What is Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings?

The Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Program stands out as a voluntary savings initiative, distinct from the regular savings plan. With a fixed 5-year maturity, it caters to the financial aspirations of active Pag-IBIG Fund members who seek to enhance their savings strategy. Here are the key features that makes Pag-IBIG MP2 a compelling choice:

  • Minimum savings of only P500 per remittance
  • Higher dividends compared to Pag-IBIG Regular Savings
  • Tax-free dividends, withdrawable annually or after the 5-year maturity
  • Government-guaranteed security for your savings

Who Can Save in the MP2 Savings?

The MP2 Savings Program, a powerful financial tool offered by Pag-IBIG Fund, opens its doors to a diverse range of individuals seeking enhanced savings opportunities.

  • Active Pag-IBIG Fund Members: The MP2 Savings is readily accessible to active Pag-IBIG Fund members, providing them with an exclusive avenue for securing their financial future.
  • Former Members (Pensioners and Retirees): Even if you are a former Pag-IBIG Fund member, including pensioners and retirees, you can still take advantage of the MP2 Savings. This is especially beneficial for those with additional sources of monthly income, regardless of age, and a minimum of 24 monthly savings prior to retirement.
  • Natural Born Filipinos with Reacquired Citizenship: Natural Born Filipinos who have reacquired their Filipino Citizenship in accordance with RA 9225, or the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003, are also eligible for MP2 Savings. Similar to former members, a prerequisite is having at least 24 monthly savings before permanently migrating to another country.
  • Note: Members with at least one monthly savings (contribution) within the last six months are also eligible.

Creating Your MP2 Savings Account

Embarking on the MP2 Savings journey is a hassle-free process, offering a secure and convenient approach to kickstart your savings strategy.

  1. Virtual Pag-IBIG Enrollment: Dive into the digital era by securely opening your MP2 Savings account online through Virtual Pag-IBIG. Once you receive your MP2 Savings account number, you're all set to commence your savings journey.
  2. Branch Visit: For a traditional approach, visit any Pag-IBIG Fund branch to initiate your MP2 Savings account. Simply complete and submit the MP2 Savings Enrolment Form, downloadable from the official website.

Minimum and Maximum Contributions in MP2 Savings

Ensuring flexibility for savers, the MP2 Savings program sets clear guidelines on minimum and maximum savings:

  1. Minimum Contribution: PhP500 per remittance.
  2. One-Time Lump Sum: Opt for a lump sum contribution covering the entire 5-year period of your MP2 Savings.
  3. No Upper Limit: There's no restriction on the maximum amount you can save under MP2. Contribute as much as you desire.
  4. Exceeding PhP500,000.00: Contributions surpassing PhP500,000.00 require remittance via personal or Manager’s Check.
  5. Above PhP100,000.00: Members with MP2 Savings exceeding PhP100,000.00 must submit proof of income or funding sources, as outlined in the MP2 Savings Enrolment Form checklist.

Contributing to MP2 Savings

Making contributions to your MP2 Savings is a flexible process, accommodating various preferences and financial situations:

  1. Salary Deduction: Employed individuals can conveniently opt for salary deduction. Employers deduct monthly MP2 Savings from salaries, remitting it to Pag-IBIG Fund.
  2. Online Remittance: Leverage online options through Virtual Pag-IBIG, using PayMaya eWallet, GCash eWallet, or debit/credit cards powered by Visa, Mastercard, or JCB.
  3. Over-the-Counter Remittance: Make over-the-counter remittances at any Pag-IBIG Fund branch or authorized collecting partners’ outlets, both domestically and overseas.

Can I Have Multiple MP2 Savings Accounts?

Absolutely! Embrace diversity by opening and managing multiple MP2 Savings accounts, tailoring your savings strategy to your distinct financial goals.

Withdrawing Dividends in MP2 Savings

Your MP2 Savings promise annual dividends exceeding the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings Program. With at least seventy percent (70%) of Pag-IBIG Fund's annual net income allocated to members' Pag-IBIG Savings as dividends, your savings prowess directly influences the dividends you reap. Embark on your savings journey today to pave the way for a financially empowered tomorrow!

Pag-IBIG MP2 Early Withdrawals

Yes, you can take out your savings from Pag-IBIG MP2 before the five-year period, but there are rules to follow. It depends on why you're withdrawing and how long you've had the account.

According to Pag-IBIG, you might be allowed to withdraw early in these situations:

  • When you turn 65 and stop working.
  • If you're permanently disabled and can't work.
  • In times of financial difficulty like a sudden medical problem or natural disaster.

If you meet these conditions, you can withdraw without penalties. But you won't get the earned dividends on your savings.

If you want to withdraw for other reasons, there might be a penalty. The penalty amount depends on how long you've had the account and could be as much as 20% of your savings.

Pag-IBIG Dividend Rates

Expect your MP2 Savings to generate higher dividends compared to the regular Pag-IBIG Savings Program. These dividends stem from a substantial portion, precisely 70%, of the Pag-IBIG Fund's annual net income. For an estimate of potential MP2 Dividends, please consult the table provided below

Year MP2 Savings Dividend Rate
2023 6.96%
2022 7.03%
2021 6.00%
2020 6.12%
2019 7.23%
2018 7.41%
2017 8.11%
2016 7.43%
2015 5.34%
2014 4.69%
2013 4.58%
2012 4.67%
2011 4.63%

In conclusion, the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Program offers a powerful avenue for active members to secure their financial future with higher dividends and flexible savings options. Whether you're a first-time investor or looking to diversify your portfolio, MP2 Savings is a valuable addition to your financial strategy. Unlock the potential for financial growth and security by exploring the benefits of Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings today!